
A Secure and Efficient Communication Tool - Prof. Dr. Norbert Pohlmann

A Secure and Efficient Communication Tool

Artikel A Secure and Efficien Communication Tool Prof. Norbert Pohlmann

M. Cagnazzo, N. Pohlmann, P. Wegner:,
„A Secure and Efficient Communication Tool”,
In the Book “Digital Marketplaces Unleashed”,
Editors: Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, Ralf Schneider and Michael Zaddach,
Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany,

Communication has changed dramatically in recent years due to the dawn of new ICT technologies and the need of people to communicate in real time. This paper will introduce a littlecommunication theory as a background, compare current technologies and finally introduce a smart, efficient and secure communication platform. It will furthermore address further improvements to the new platform

Communication has changed dramatically in recent years due to the dawn of new ICT technologies and the need of people to communicate in real time. This paper will introduce a little communication theory as a background, compare current technologies and finally introduce a smart, efficient and secure communication platform. It will furthermore address further improvements to the new platform. Communication means sharing information Nowadays information has an unprecedented importance. It has never been easier to share information with other entities. An information is based on characters that are connected via a syntax and grammarto form data. Setting this datainto contextis information. “Sharing information” creates knowledge and to share in-formation one must communicate. There must be a sender and a receiver who communicate. It surrounds our every day lifemore than ever, especially at work. Communication can reach different degrees of efficiency and organized in various ways. Efficiency can be determined by individual skills of participants as well as differences in the established communication structure and culture. Communication can be ranked interms of relevance. Should this information be accessible by everyone or just a special group of people? Or is there one specified recipient for one specific information. Depending on this classification and the criticality of the transferred informationa secured and trustworthy environment may be needed. Technologically speaking this means to establish a trust and security level through end to end encryption or at least transport layer encryption to secure the transmission. Adding such security measures will result in acomplex system which can create a trustworthy connectedness of the participating entities. Corporate communication includes every communication process no matter if it is in-or outbound. This includes the sharing of information between employees as well as communication of the corporation toemployees. Through communication an organization gains knowledge and if this knowledge is managed properly an organization can draw strategic decisions from it which gives them competitive advantages. That is why communication is such an integral part of modern businesses.

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Artikel A Secure and Efficien Communication Tool Prof. Norbert Pohlmann
A Secure and Efficient Communication Tool Prof. Dr. Norbert Pohlmann - Cyber-Sicherheitsexperten