S. Feld, T. Perrei, N. Pohlmann, M. Schupp:, „Objectives and Added Value of an Internet Key Figure System for Germany”. In Proceedings of the ISSE 2011 – Securing Electronic Business Processes – Highlights of the Information Security Solutions Europe 2011 Conference, Eds.: N. Pohlmann, H. Reimer, W. Schneider; Vieweg-Teubner Verlag, Wiesbaden 2011 This work is motivated by the fact that the Internet can be seen as a critical infrastructure, whose on-going operation is particularly worth protecting. Problematic when considering the state of the Internet are twothings: On the one hand, there are many dependencies in the context of the Internet, on the other hand there are only a few key figures that allow comprehensive statements. In the course of this work, a Key Figure System will be described in which the control object is the Internet by itself. The complex structure of the Internet is to be made more transparent and the condition, changes and future potential are to be expressed. In addition to the various objectives that are to be achieved during the design and implementation of such an Internet Key Figure System, this work describes the problems that have to be solved. These are less technical, but in fact organisational and legal nature. Each Key Figure System requires a control object, that is a clearly defined scope, which the data collection, data processing and data visualisation refer to. In the following the definition of an „Internet Germany“ is given and the appropriate stakeholder and criteria are described. This work concludes with an explanation of the different added value of an Internet Key Figure System for the various addressees.
Today’s Internet consists of a variety of networks, called Autonomous Systems (AS), which are operated by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), large companies and universities. There are currently more than 37,000 AS1, which build the Internet with more than 70,000 connections. For a more detailed consideration and a proper assessment of the significance of each AS, it is important to see what role each AS occupies in the interaction of the Internet. AS are acting completely independent, so the operators have different strategies on how to organise the communication of IP packets on their network with the help of routing protocols. Not only within Germany, the Internet as a part of the information and telecommunications technology is reckoned to the critical infrastructures [BMI09]. The impairment or loss of parts of the Internet can have an enormous impact. For example, the disturbance of IP telephony as the Skype outage in 20072 can lead to sustainable economic damages if a company is no longer able to conduct telephone business.
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