M. Jungbauer, N. Pohlmann:, “Integrity Check of Remote Computer Systems – Trusted Network Connect”. In Proceedings of the ISSE/SECURE 2007 – Securing Electronic Business Processes – Highlights of the Information Security Solutions Europe/Secure 2007 Conference, Eds.: N. Pohlmann, H. Reimer, W. Schneider; Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden 2007
The economic dependence on the fast and inexpensive exchange of information that has arisen as a result of globalisation is leading to ever increasing levels of networking. The internet provides a communication infrastructure that is available worldwide. However, it does not offer any opportunity for trustworthy communication, as it is not possible to analyse the computer systems found in the network with respect to their system integrity and trustworthiness. The same also applies to intranets. Visitors and field workers who use their computer systems – for example notebooks – both outside and within the company network represent a threat to the company with these computer systems. Through the use of the computer systems outside the company network they are also working outside the protective measures and control area of the company’s IT. Solution approaches such as Trusted Network Connect (TNC) provide methods for determining the integrity of end points which serve as a basis for trustwor-thy communication. The configurations of the end points can be measured on both the software and hardware level. Through the reconciliation of defined safety rules it is possible to realise policy-controlled access control. The economic dependence on the fast and inexpensive exchange of information that has arisen as a result of globalisation is leading to ever increasing levels of networking. The internet provides a communication infrastructure that is available worldwide. However, it does not offer any opportunity for trustworthy communication, as it is not possible to analyse the computer systems found in the network with respect to their system integrity and trustworthiness. The same also applies to intranets. Visitors and field workers who use their computer systems – for example notebooks – both outside and within the company network represent a threat to the company with these computer systems. Through the use of the computer systems outside the company network they are also working outside the protective measures and control area of the company’s IT. Solution approaches such as Trusted Network Connect (TNC) provide methods for determining the integrity of end points which serve as a basis for trustworthy communication. The configurations of the end points can be measured on both the software and hardware level. Through the reconciliation of defined safety rules it is possible to realise policy-controlled access control. Only a few decades ago data and documents were exchanged both within and between firms either personally or by post. For the transport of sensitive data it was necessary to use trustworthy communication pathways, such as the company’s own postal service. Subsequently initial forms of electronic data transmission, e.g. transmission by fax or the first networks offered the opportunity of transmitting documents quickly from A to B. However, it was not possible to guarantee the confidential transmission of sensitive data.
Weitere Informationen zum Thema “Trusted Computing”: Artikel: „Eine Diskussion über Trusted Computing – Sicherheitsgewinn durch vertrauenswürdige IT-Systeme“
“Anwendungen sicher ausführen mit Turaya – In Sicherheit”
„Integrity Check of Remote Computer Systems – Trusted Network Connect”
„Turaya – Die offene Trusted Computing Sicherheitsplattform”
„Vertrauenswürdige Netzwerkverbindungen mit Trusted Computing – Sicher vernetzt?“
„European Multilateral Secure Computing Base”
Vorträge: “Trusted Computing (Vortrag)” “Bausteine für sichere elektronische Geschäftsprozesse – Trusted Computing”
Glossareinträge: „Trusted Computing“ “Trusted Network Connect (TNC)“ Vorlesung: „Trusted Computing (Vorlesung)“
Informationen über das Lehrbuch: „Cyber-Sicherheit“
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