
Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Its Potential and the Lasting Transformation of the Ge - Prof. Dr. Norbert Pohlmann

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Its Potential and the Lasting Transformation of the German Economy

Studie - Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Its Potential and the Lasting Transformation of the German Economy - Prof. Norbert Pohlmann

Norbert Pohlmann  (Institut für Internet-Sicherheit)

For the purposes of this study, we have examined the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for the German economy in 2025. A comprehensive analysis of more than 150 use cases across all relevant industries and
all corporate functions shows: If the potential of AI is used comprehensively by companies, a total potential of approximately 488 billion Euros will be created for the German economy in 2025. This would correspond to a 13
percent increase in GDP compared to 2019. Of this amount, approximately 330 billion Euros would be accounted for by cost-saving potential, and approximately 150 billion Euros by revenue potential.

Of greatest significance: (1) We expect cost savings and revenue potential for all industries. (2) We see that AI will affect every function in companies. The biggest impacts are expected to be in the Retail & Consumer Goods and in the Energy, Environment & Chemicals sectors, each with a forecast of just under 100 billion Euros. The greatest potential, at just over 50 percent of the forecast economic impact, lies in supporting manufacturing with AI.

Technologically and economically, there are no obstacles to using AI immediately in companies. Once the relevant data is available, machine learning and deep neural networks can already be used to apply AI applications to support employees and processes in processing image
and language information and logical reasoning. By 2025, more than 70 percent of the applications will be used to support humans. AI will not replace employees, but strengthen value creation and competitiveness side-byside with employees.

Massive investments are being made in AI in the USA and China. The Chinese AI-SaaS company SenseTime alone has a valuation of seven billion Euros and is a leading competence center with excellent prospects for the future. In Germany, we are a long way from this – but we see successful AI companies in attractive niches in the German core industries such as the automotive industry and mechanical engineering. We are optimistic that, in
proximity to these sectors, internationally leading German companies will emerge in the medium term.

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“Künstliche Intelligenz und Cyber-Sicherheit”

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“Künstliche Intelligenz und Cyber-Sicherheit – Workshop”

Enquete‐Kommission Künstliche Intelligenz:
Thesen und Handlungsempfehlungen zum Thema „Sicherheit und Vertrauenswürdigkeit von KI‐Systemen“

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Glossareintrag: Künstliche Intelligenz / Maschinelles Lernen

Informationen über das Lehrbuch: „Cyber-Sicherheit“

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Studie - Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Its Potential and the Lasting Transformation of the German Economy - Prof. Norbert Pohlmann
Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Its Potential and the Lasting Transformation of the German Economy Prof. Dr. Norbert Pohlmann - Cyber-Sicherheitsexperten