
Trustworthiness Creates Trust – The model of trustworthiness provides a framework for - Prof. Dr. Norbert Pohlmann

Trustworthiness Creates Trust – The model of trustworthiness provides a framework for developing strategies to engender trust in their company and their solutions.

Trustworthiness Creates Trust Part 1

Trustworthiness Creates Trust

Prof. Norbert Pohlmann from the eco Association and Ulla Coester from xethix Empowerment on the approach IT companies need to take to engender trust.

Digital assets require a much higher and, above all, quite a specific level of protection. Since it is now no longer easy for users to effectively verify this, they have few alternatives but to trust that manufacturers are doing everything they can to meet the requirements. Looked at from the other perspective: Manufacturers depend on users to trust them and to actually use their IT/security solutions. Part one of a two-part set of articles by Prof. Norbert Pohlmann from the eco Association and Ulla Coester from xethix Empowerment, examining the approach IT companies need to take to achieve a high level of trustworthiness .

In the future, more and more new value will be created that (only) exists in digital form and, as a consequence, requires much greater and more individual protection. Achieving this level of protection is more complex than it ever was in the analog world – because, on closed company premises, it is more likely to be possible to monitor company assets effectively or to store them securely in safes, and thus to protect them in a way that is easily transparent for management.

In contrast, in the digital world, protection is no longer directly under the control of user companies. Not only are they no longer able to physically verify the protection of their digital assets – they must simultaneously trust that IT manufacturers are doing everything they can to ensure the right approach to the development, selection, and implementation of cybersecurity measures such as encryption, multifactor authentication, or isolating applications. With regard to the future viability of provider companies, it is important to recognise that trust has an impact on company processes at multiple levels. This comes down to the growing vulnerability in the digital realm caused by increasingly adept attacks. The demand for a conscientious approach to cybersecurity calls on manufacturers to take all measures to protect their own companies from attacks. However, they must at the same time develop their IT/security solutions using cutting-edge technical tools, in order to be able to provide the best possible IT technology.

This demonstrates the relevance of trust in the use of IT/security solutions on the part of users, and at the same time underscores the need for companies to act in a trustworthy manner so that this trust is justified.

For the full text see:

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Trustworthiness Creates Trust Part 1
Trustworthiness Creates Trust – The model of trustworthiness provides a framework for developing strategies to engender trust in their company and their solutions. Prof. Dr. Norbert Pohlmann - Cyber-Sicherheitsexperten